Sunday, 25 May 2008


Remember: "Things that take the longest to manifest will be long lasting and greatly appreciated." The two of you are a destined masterpiece of mind, body, spirit, and emotional views of supernatural hope in living form. Feed from each other's downfalls, mistakes, carelessness and overall learning acts because before anything can become its superior best, it must go through the testing fires more than just once.

Men and woman want a partner who is truly on their side and someone who will respect them, regardless of the situations that may find themselves involved in from time to time. Expressing the areas of blame too often can sometimes run a mate, friend or partner off. People get weak and make bad decisions from time to time, but for an understanding partner, this is a good time to help strengthen your partner, as he or she realizes the fullness of their wrongdoings. Helping them to overcome an error of judgement will most likely prevent it from occurring again. Anything can be forgiven, as long as there are genuine concerns and agreements to leave it in the past and build upon a better present and future.

Too many men and women are challenging one another, rather than trying to build a strong relatinoship. One or the other is so self-centered that they are always speaking out on the job they have, the amount of money they are making, and certain gifts that they have given in the past. Often, the individual may have numerous expressed feelings that justify their inability to perform a non-respectful act of some kind.

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