Sunday, 25 May 2008


Remember: "Things that take the longest to manifest will be long lasting and greatly appreciated." The two of you are a destined masterpiece of mind, body, spirit, and emotional views of supernatural hope in living form. Feed from each other's downfalls, mistakes, carelessness and overall learning acts because before anything can become its superior best, it must go through the testing fires more than just once.

Men and woman want a partner who is truly on their side and someone who will respect them, regardless of the situations that may find themselves involved in from time to time. Expressing the areas of blame too often can sometimes run a mate, friend or partner off. People get weak and make bad decisions from time to time, but for an understanding partner, this is a good time to help strengthen your partner, as he or she realizes the fullness of their wrongdoings. Helping them to overcome an error of judgement will most likely prevent it from occurring again. Anything can be forgiven, as long as there are genuine concerns and agreements to leave it in the past and build upon a better present and future.

Too many men and women are challenging one another, rather than trying to build a strong relatinoship. One or the other is so self-centered that they are always speaking out on the job they have, the amount of money they are making, and certain gifts that they have given in the past. Often, the individual may have numerous expressed feelings that justify their inability to perform a non-respectful act of some kind.


A man can never feel completeness without his involvement with the opposite sex. His weaknesses and greater strengths are found in the female, who understands her role in the path of life. On the other side of the coin, the female can never fulfill her completeness without experiencing a wholesome involvement with her opposite sex mate.

Men look for the lacking element of warmth that only a caring mother can give at birth. Females look for the strong security and protection that comes from a caring father for his family and household. Male and female mates have these traits within them, and they can be brought forth with any caring desire.

Two minds working as one is a team of action that will bring many desirable results and rewards. When the initial infuuences of men remain as a leader, home provider, protector, a clever winning decision-maker, a hunter (whose aim is to find whatever is necessary to reach his goals), a planner, a sensitive and understanding gentleman, as well as a romantic lover, his spiritual blueprint will guide him into successes beyond his original imagination.

As for men, women too should realize that their job as a mate, partner, helper, romantic lover, the keeper of trust worthy secrets, organizer, a loving mother of her children, and the strong visualizer of things to come must keep her king or prince's domain comfortable and stimulating. The spirit of a woman can make her man feel like he is a superman, long before he reaches such a level. Treatment, belief, and verbal reassurance have unseen powers that can allow supernatural forces to enter any vessel or body whose mind is pleased with his helper and home front. Great ideas and enthusiasm come through the mystical minds of men who know that they are loved and entrusted to win their unforeseen battles. A little encouragement in the warm arms of a caring mate, most often brings forth little miracles that keep the team tight and tough to beat in any battle.

Life is filled with mysteries, setbacks, up and down periods, but a comforting attitude of sure confidence will make blessings manifest. Even when things aren't so great, there is always a cheerful tomorrow coming with unexpected opportunities. Every day is a great day, especially when you know that you are not alone in your battle for survival.

All good things that will bring lasting comfort in our lives take a little time to manifest it, but for those who learn the rules of patience, their days for prospering and reaping the good fruits that we truly deserve will be there as promised. Great faith and belief in your plans must be revealed in your daily attitudes in order to reel in your expectations, just as a very patient fisherman would do! Remember: - The calmness of a fruitful mind produces a warm, tender and understanding attitude.


Wow it has been an extremely busy 2 months, so many things happened both good and bad I guessed. Nevertheless, I managed to read 2 good books which I would like to share with everyone.

1- Modern Day Secrets That Can Make You Rich: The Mastery of Common Intelligence by Sir Jonathan

2- New Ideas From Dead CEOs by Todd G.Buchholz

Some good statements which I want to share with everyone;

Many people cant't foresee that all the things that are happening throughout the world are based around a few simple principles. The top three are dollars, political science, and the art of greed. When there is no money being made, there is very little focus on those areas.

When you have been paid very well to perform a believable act, your expertise becomes very highly attractive. If you are a team member and want to keep living beyond ordinary means, receiving big paychecks are for those who strive for the best in their career of this never-ending game.

This is a profession like any other, only the best need to apply. Honesty is a foreign word, which is used in a joking manner in the in-crowd of the wealthy. Fairness and really caring about one another are just tools of expression. Everyday is truly a real battle to overcome your opponents and any challenges that may threaten your work site or paid profession.

Suffering is a negative that many people dislike, and the only way to keep it away from your door is to join in the mix in the jungle of greed. After a while, in the jungle of uncaring people, money and all other material possessions take top priority over all else. Those who have learned that material possessions don't bring happiness, peace and love relationships, are seeking the supernatual powers of and unseen God by learning to walk by faith and not by things of physical sight.

Throughout history, mankind has risen into great power, just to end up destroying what it worked so desperately hard to preserve. Understanding the principles of power and how they relate to everyone and everything is very important indeed. If the lesson isn't learned here on the earth, there is no guarantee that there will ever be another real chance offered. Humans must learn to curb their anger and to control their emotions to an extent that they can prosper from their mental decisions. Building a huge building, just to destroy it soon after you have taken time to admire its creation, doesn't make logical sense. Time must be used more wisely, and the human race should strive for a solution that would keep everyone happy and content for an endless amount of time.

Ideas are mere thought impluses untill they care placed into a meaningful conclusion for the whole of humanity.